07 Mar, 2025
Ya, banyak situs slot server Thailand yang menawarkan event dan promo menarik untuk menarik pemain dan memberikan peluang ekstra untuk menang. Berikut adalah beberapa jenis event dan promo yang sering…
Global Methods Neck Alignment Surprise: Your neck affects your back. When it comes to global influence the neck is about as important as anything else. Focus on keeping the cervical…
RDLs Rule for Glute Strength When performed correctly, RDLs net a huge muscle response for growth in the glutes. Hip thrusts only target a small range of motion compared to…
#3: Know Your Principles—Manage Your Methods Principles never change. Methods do. Your job is to adapt those methods to fit each unique situation. Yes, you should be a great technician.…
The Missing Piece: Motivation in Fitness Are your social media feeds flooded with glamorous workout videos and diet trends? What about talk of finding the consistency to follow through on…

The Ultimate Low Back Training Guide: Tips for a Stronger Spine

Global Methods Neck Alignment Surprise: Your neck affects your back. When it comes to global influence the neck is about as important as anything else. Focus on keeping the cervical spine straight with a proper chin tuck during heavy lifts. There’s plenty of isometric tension and muscular contraction when you lift heavy at the neck […]

3 mins read

A Guide to Romanian Deadlifts, King of Glute Exercises

RDLs Rule for Glute Strength When performed correctly, RDLs net a huge muscle response for growth in the glutes. Hip thrusts only target a small range of motion compared to the RDL. What do you need for building muscle? Range of motion. This is where the RDL takes home the gold.But you need to execute […]

4 mins read

6 Practical Tips for New S&C Coaches

#3: Know Your Principles—Manage Your Methods Principles never change. Methods do. Your job is to adapt those methods to fit each unique situation. Yes, you should be a great technician. Know the Xs and Os so well that you mutter them in your sleep. But that’s only part of it. Sports psychology and emotional intelligence […]

2 mins read

Building Motivation: Strategies for Athletes & Coaches to Stay Inspired

The Missing Piece: Motivation in Fitness Are your social media feeds flooded with glamorous workout videos and diet trends? What about talk of finding the consistency to follow through on any of your goals? What’s often missing from the conversation is motivation—the spark that gets you moving and keeps you going. I own a small […]

3 mins read

Hammer Curls: Form & Variations for Bigger Biceps

How to Do Hammer Curls You can perform the hammer curl from either a seated or standing position, and as a unilateral or bilateral movement. Performing the curl from a seated position further isolates the targeted muscles and limits momentum cheat. Another alternative is to set the bench at an incline to increase the range […]

6 mins read

Championnat de France des Clubs 2024-2025 : Franconville et Dijon sacrés champions de FRANCE TOP 9

Sommaire La saison 2024-2025 du Championnat de France des clubs d’haltérophilie a offert son lot de surprises et de rebondissements. Chez les hommes, Franconville s’impose comme le nouveau champion et détrône Saint-Maur, tandis que Luxeuil sauve sa place sur le podium de justesse. Monteux crée la surprise en s’imposant sur la dernière journée, tandis que […]

8 mins read

Romanian Deadlifts (RDLs): The Ultimate Hamstring Exercise for Posterior Chain Development

Romanian Deadlift Muscles Worked Your hamstrings are made up of three muscles behind the thigh: the biceps femoris, the semimembranosus, and the semitendinosus. Together, these muscles work to bend the knee, rotate the hip, and extend the hip. The RDL is a great way to incorporate a stretch reflex into the deadlift. There is no […]

3 mins read

5 Tips to Get Better at Strict Pull Ups

5 Tips for Better Strict Pull Ups A Note on Pull Up Grip For all of these pull up exercises, you should be using a double overhand grip positioned just outside shoulder width with your thumbs wrapped around the bar, not on top. There’s a time and place for thumbs on top, but it’s not […]

3 mins read

Jasa Ekspedisi Termurah Jakarta ke Makassar

Mengirim barang dari Jakarta ke Makassar kini semakin mudah dengan adanya layanan ekspedisi yang cepat dan aman. Jarak yang cukup jauh antara kedua kota ini, sekitar 1.400 kilometer, membuat penggunaan jasa ekspedisi menjadi pilihan yang tepat bagi pelaku bisnis maupun individu. Keunggulan Jasa Ekspedisi Jakarta-Makassar Jenis Layanan Ekspedisi Tips Memilih Jasa Ekspedisi Terbaik Dengan memilih […]

1 min read